From Chaos to Calm:

Crafting Digital Serenity

A Design Case Study for a meditation app

The Story of Our Meditation App

Every day, millions wish they could meditate but are hindered by complexities and distractions. How might we help them?


Interaction design, Social good, UX design, Prototyping, Information Architecture


Myself, a Designer, Researcher, and Student Project at SpringBoard Ux/UI Entire product design from research to conception, visualization, and testing


3 Months
October 2023 - December 2023


Figma, Sketch, Invision, iPad, Illustrator, Photoshop, Midjourney


Imagine waking up in the morning, stressed about the day ahead, and wishing for a few minutes of calm. This is where our story begins. Every day, millions wish they could meditate but are hindered by complexities and distractions.

How might we help them?

The Problem:

As our days get busier, people are struggling to incorporate meditation into their lives. We aimed to design an app to make this process seamless and enjoyable. Our challenge was to merge simplicity with depth and ease with substance.

User Personas & Their Needs:

These personas, crafted from user interviews and surveys, became the guiding light of my design process for "Meditative Journeys".

Recognizing the distinct needs of Erick and Sarah allowed me to envision a versatile app that caters to both ends of the meditation spectrum while ensuring a personalized experience.

Highlights from the User Story Process:

  • Drawing from my research and early ideation,

  • I created user stories that encapsulated the core needs and desires of my target users.

  • "As a beginner, I want a guided meditation path, so I'm not overwhelmed with choices."

  • "As an advanced user, I wish to track my progress in-depth, gaining insights beyond just time spent meditating."

  • "As a user, I want the option to connect with others on the platform, sharing experiences and tips."

  • "As a user, I'd like personalized recommendations based on my mood, ensuring the meditation aligns with how I feel.

Reflecting on the Ideation Phase:

The early ideation phase was a dance between user insights and design possibilities. Every stroke on paper was a step closer to an app that would resonate deeply with its users. As I often say, "It's in these sketches that the user's voice starts taking a visual form." Through "Meditative Journeys", I aimed to craft not just an app but a holistic meditation companion.

Usability Testing and Iterative Design:

Validation is crucial. I initiated two rounds of usability testing, ensuring the design not only met but exceeded user expectations. The first round illuminated areas for refinement, while the subsequent round acted as a validation of the changes made. This iterative, feedback-driven approach refined the user experience, ensuring a blend of intuition and engagement.


Meditative Journeys: Crafting Digital Serenity' is more than just an app to me. It's a testament to the power of user-centered design. It embodies my belief that genuine user insight, coupled with iterative design, can craft experiences that touch lives. Through this project, I've not only designed an app but also embarked on a fulfilling journey of bringing tranquility to the fingertips of countless individuals.